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20241222 - Latest Filament data
Image will be available after one hour of observations.Click on image to open sensitive map!
Data will be available after one hour of observations.
Data will be available after one hour of observations. IDL code for reading binary data:
    OPENR, u, binfile, /COMP, /GET_LUN
    head = FLTARR(6) ;[xsize,ysize,radius,hh,mm,ss]
    READU, u, head
    data = INTARR(FIX(head[0]),FIX(head[1]))
    READU, u, data
    FREE_LUN, u
  • each filament has the value of Fil_ID
  • all values are in pixel
to get the area of a filament:
  c = WHERE(data EQ Fil_ID, area)
  f = '(2(A,I6))'
  PRINT, FORM=f, "Area of Fil_ID", Fil_ID," =", area 
be careful: y-origin is upper left! you can transpose the data:
  data = ROTATE(data,7)
  Solar_y = 2048-Solar_y